I Meeting of Chilean Researchers in Switzerland (ICES)
"Building Bridges"
The first event of the Association of Chilean researchers in Switzerland to address the role of scientific research and development in society was a complete success. With the aim of bringing together Chilean academics and professionals in Switzerland in order to share experiences, generate a network of contacts and find out what they are doing in their different disciplines, the event brought together more than 50 attendees at the ETH in Zurich, and presented nine posters on different fields: geotechnics, neuroscience, medical image analysis, among others. The meeting was sponsored by ETH Global and sponsored by the Embassy of Chile to the Swiss Confederation and the Chilean-Swiss Chamber of Commerce.
Presentations were made by :
Dr. Claudio Bolzman , professor University of Geneva and HETS.
Dr. Mauricio Reyes , University of Bern
Veronika Fischer , General Manager of the Chilean-Swiss Chamber of Commerce_cc781905-5cde-3194-bb3b-136bad5cf58d
Pablo Koch-Medina , Director of the Department of Finance at the University of Zurich
Christian Lazo , Civil Computer Engineer from the Austral University of Chile.
Another aspect of interest discussed in this instance is the change of vision from a Chile that is an importer of technologies towards a developer of them, where researchers can participate in technological incubators that promote the formation of a high-tech industry. Examples such as FONDEF, FONDAP and CORFO are excellent mechanisms that need more support to address in the coming years the challenge of filling the gap between high-level knowledge generated worldwide, by Chileans outside and inside the country, and its consolidation in Chilean industry. . Mining, fishing, forestry, among others, are key industries in Chile, but the importance of going beyond natural resources, towards the intellectual human resource that undoubtedly exists in Chile, was stressed._cc781905-5cde-3194-bb3b -136bad5cf58d_At the end of the day, it was possible to corroborate the great interest of Chilean researchers in Switzerland in generating collaborative ties between both nations, and in supporting the generation of more and better science in Chile through their experience in Switzerland. ICES is thus presented as a key actor to connect Switzerland and Chile in the development of joint research.