Annual meeting in Geneva 2016
"Science in Chile: a view from Switzerland"
On May 7, at the University of Geneva, the Association of Chilean Researchers in Switzerland (ICES) held its annual meeting, whose main objective was to discuss the present and future of Chilean researchers around the world, in particular in Switzerland and how they can contribute to the development of science and technology in Chile.
The meeting, which had more than 30 attendees, began with the welcoming words of the Swiss Consul in Chile, Mrs. Falastin Shakhtur, who recalled the commitment of the Chilean embassy and consulate in Switzerland with Chilean associations in Switzerland. . Followed by the director of ICES, Jutta Burgi , who made a presentation on the current state of science in Chile, which was mainly focused on showing figures: the low investment in research, the number of doctors per inhabitant and its projection, as well as the efforts that have been made in recent times to improve the professional and working conditions of researchers in Chile.
Presentations were made by :
Dr. Andrés Couve , Director of the Biomedical Neuroscience Institute in Chile (BNI)
Dr. Rodrigo Palma , Director of the Solar Energy Research Center (SERC-Chile)
Alejandra Mizala , Director of the Center for Advanced Research in Education at the University of Chile
Alex Segovia and Dr. Nicola Astudillo-Defru , Swiss Center of Competence in Planetary Research at the University of Geneva
The day also had space for open debate, by both the invited panelists and the attendees. The round table was marked by the debate on public policies for science in Chile, the diverse experiences and conditions of researchers when doing science in Chile and the role of the future Ministry of Science. Chile must continue to focus on strengthening those fields where it has comparative advantages to develop science (eg Astronomy, Volcanology, among others) as well as that the community that does science, both in Chile and abroad, must have a significant role advising to the State in the development of public policies on Science.